The trending political issue all over the social networks today is the Hobby Lobby case, and if you happen to live under a rock or in a submarine, here's the 2-line explanation: the Supreme Court ruled that Hobby Lobby is not obligated to provide contraceptives in the health insurance plan they offer to their employees because it goes against the company's religious beliefs.
In the general sense, I think this is bad, really bad, but not for the reasons you may think.
First, let's get this out of the way: while I don't consider myself a Democrat, I identify myself with the left and I agree with most of the ideals of the Democratic Party, in fact, I can't remember the last time I sided with the Republicans. I think that by giving you that piece of information, you might understand better where I'm coming from.
Now, allow me to explain why I think this ruling is bad. Basically, I think it opens the door to all kinds of religion-based discrimination. What if there's a religion in which chemotherapy and HIV medications are seen as evil for whatever ridiculous way you wish, could a company like Hobby Lobby deny their employees a health insurance plan that includes either of those two medical necessities? (I'm aware that because I'm not familiar with all the technical aspects of the Hobby Lobby case, the answer to my question could potentially be "no", in which case, I would ask of you to explain me why this is the case).
Here are a couple of other (better) examples I just read on a Reddit thread about this same topic.
I personally think that employee healthcare plans basic requirements shouldn't be allowed to be objected due to religious beliefs, period. It makes no sense, a religion could practically choose to believe in whatever random crazy shit you can imagine, in fact, most religions do!
So, yeah, I think this ruling is not just bad, but dangerous.
That being said...
I'm getting the impression the fellows on the left are making this issue a lot worse than what it really is, and perhaps this is the liberal version of what I have called in the past "Political Faith", you know, that "whatever my party says is right/whatever the other party says is wrong" unhealthy mentality seen in most Americans today.
Once again, I'm not well informed about the technicalities of this case, but I believe the ruling only applies to certain type of contraceptives, specifically those that are abortifacients. I'm no expert in contraceptives, so I'm not sure which are the contraceptive methods this ruling applies to, but it appears it doesn't apply to all of them.
Also, according to this NBC article, this ruling doesn't mean that contraceptive coverage for women is over, if I understood correctly.
And last, and probably my most controversial thought regarding all this mess, while I'm against the Supreme Court ruling for all the reasons explained above... ummm... I'm not too sure health insurance should cover contraceptive methods. There may be reasons I'm not aware at the moment for this to be the case, I admit, but as far as I know, health insurance is a service you pay so in the case your health deteriorates for whatever reason, illness or accident, the cost of your recovery is covered by the health insurance company. I just don't see how contraceptives fall under health insurance. Contraceptives is something you take/use so you can have sex that involves males ejaculating inside the vagenda, without having the risk of getting pregnant. Are condoms covered by health insurance too? What about male contraceptive methods? Aren't they developing a male birth control pill? Would that be covered by health insurance? Some people protest that Viagra, or other pills to treat male erectile dysfunction, meaning, a pill many men take to be able to fuck, are also covered by health insurance and no one is objecting that. And you know what, I do agree with them. However, I can see how Viagra can be seen as a legit treatment for a real health condition, so it sort of makes sense.
Now everyone is raising their pitchforks at Hobby Lobby, insulting them and calling them all kinds of evil things, and I don't agree with them or that kind of mentality. I do think that the people running that company follow some crazy ass archaic beliefs, sure, but I can't blame them for trying to do what in their narrow minded perspective is right. If people are going to talk shit about anyone, then they should talk shit about the people responsible for this ruling, not Hobby Lobby.
Maybe a way to solve this is to unlink healthcare and employers, that way employers don't develop feelings of guilt based on certain procedures covered by healthcare plans they offer their employees. Al least that's the solution I can pull out of my uninformed ass at the moment.
Anyway, I think that posting this article is going to be risky, because I could end up being hated by everyone. But since I already kinda feel that way, what the fuck, I'm posting it.
Note: what I wrote is just my opinion based on the little information I have, so if you disagree with part or all of it, just explain me why you think I'm wrong.
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